
We love seeing the projects our Maker Team members dream up - especially for the holidays! This adorable new Heartfelt Bunny from Gracie of @hellograciemakes is classic and charming and perfect for Valentine's Day (and Easter!) It only takes one afternoon to make this gift that will be loved for a lifetime.
This heartfelt bunny is ready to hop into Valentine's Day with lots of love! Whether it’s made for a sweet seasonal display or to be gifted to a loved one to cherish year round, this bunny is sure to warm your heart!
Skill Level: Intermediate
Time: 4 hours
Additional Supplies:
Heartfelt Bunny Pattern (click to download)
1. Print out pattern above. Trace pieces onto felt and cut out.
2. Place Heart onto one Body piece. This will be the left side. Using one strand of Pink embroidery floss, backstitch around Heart to secure. Slip needle to back side, tie off and trim floss.
3. Align one Pink and one Tan ear together. The ears should mirror each other, so be aware of that when placing felt pieces together. With one strand of Tan floss, blanket stitch around entire ear starting at bottom corner.

Once finished, fold the bottom edge in half and whip stitch together.
4. Take one side of Body and the Gusset. Place tip of the Gusset on nose marking (see pattern.) With one strand of Tan floss, blanket stitch Gusset onto the head of Body, slowly aligning pieces as you work over the head toward back of the neck.
When you reach tip of the Gusset, attach other Body piece with pins. Carefully align pieces and continue to sew second Body piece to Gusset.
5. Next, sew down front of Body using a blanket stitch. Do not go all the way around. Then sew down back of Body.
Once front and back are sewn, pin Body so front and back seams are aligned. Blanket stitch about half way over the opening. Leave a gap to stuff.
Firmly stuff head and Body. Continue with a blanket stitch to close opening and knot off.
6. For the Arms, start a blanket stitch at one end with one strand of coordinating floss. Leave a 1" opening, then stuff.
Continue with a blanket stitch to close, then knot off. Repeat with other Arm.
7. For the Legs, begin at one corner of flat edge and sew all the way around leaving top flat end open. Knot off floss, trim and stuff.
Before sewing closed, flatten top so that the seam you just sewed is in the middle. Then use a whip stitch to close. Knot off and trim ends. Repeat with other Leg.
8. Begin assembly by pinning Ear to head, aligning top with seam. With one strand of floss use a ladder stitch to attach. Stitch all the way around top of Ear to secure.
The ear will want to pop straight up. To keep it down, run floss through side of the head and tack it down by threading through Ear and head a few times. Slip floss to back of Body and tie off on another seam to hide. Repeat with other Ear.
9. Attach Leg by pinning on, then ladder stitching around whole Leg twice to secure. Repeat with other Leg.
10. For the Arms, temporarily pin back Ears to get them out of the way. Use two pins to secure each Arm to each side of Body, with seams facing backward. With two strands of floss and a long needle, send needle through Body and Arm creating one large stitch at the top. Pass needle back through Body and create a stitch through opposite Arm. Repeat this motion 3-4 times. Tie off floss under the Arm to hide.
11. Finally, mark where you want the nose and eyes. Using a satin stitch, fill in nose with two strands of floss.
For each eye, use six strands and created a french knot looping around the needle three times.
12. Finish off your bunny with a sweet little bow!
Making a whole herd of bunnies? Try various shade of brown felt for the fur and give each a different colored heart!
A heartfelt bunny is a perfect Valentine's gift that can be loved the whole year through!
Thanks to Gracie for designing and writing this tutorial! You can see more of her work on Instagram @hellograciemakes and on her website. Stay tuned for more tutorials from the Benzie Design Maker Team!